A Brazilian Butt Lift Uses Your Own Tissue to Safely Enhance Your Figure
A Brazilian butt lift at our Halifax, NS, practice can be a great way to restore your youthful figure or achieve a more proportionate, balanced physique. During the procedure, Dr. Richard Bendor-Samuel will remove excess fat from your abdomen, thighs, or another area of the body. Then, he will cleanse the tissue and perform a fat graft, using these cells to give you a fuller, more curvaceous backside. The advanced treatment offers several benefits, including a low risk of adverse side effects. When you choose The Landings Surgical Centre, your doctor will evaluate your cosmetic goals and carefully plan a customized procedure.

Determining Your Candidacy
If you want to achieve a more defined and proportionate rear end, you may be a good candidate for a Brazilian butt lift. The procedure can be especially helpful if you have lost volume in your rear as you have aged.
During a Brazilian butt lift, Dr. Bendor-Samuel will perform liposuction before injecting the excess fat cells into your buttocks. Therefore, to qualify for treatment, you must have sufficient fat deposits on another area of your body. You should also be in generally good health before you receive any type of cosmetic surgery. If you have an autoimmune disease, blood disorder, or related condition, this may affect your candidacy for treatment.
Your Initial Consultation
During an initial consultation, our surgeons can create a personalized plan that will address your concerns and achieve the most optimal results. During this comprehensive evaluation, your doctor may:
- Examine your buttocks, abdomen, and hips to determine how to help you achieve the most natural-looking results
- Review your medical history in detail
- Discuss all treatment options, so you are well-informed
- Listen to your aesthetic concerns about your body
- Discuss your expectations for the procedure
- Answer any questions regarding treatment
- Take pictures so that your progress can be monitored
The Butt Lift Procedure
A Brazilian butt lift is minimally invasive, and takes approximately two hours to complete. If you choose to have a Brazilian butt lift at The Landings Surgical Centre, you can expect that your procedure will follow six specific steps:
- Anesthesia: Many patients undergo a Brazilian butt lift under local anesthesia. However, depending on the patient’s comfort level, the procedure can also be performed under IV sedation or general anesthesia. Our surgeons will discuss your treatment options, and help you determine a method that will work best for you.
- Incisions: The surgeon will carefully create tiny incisions in the areas of the body with excess fat. Depending on the patient’s body type, this may be in the abdomen, hips, thighs, upper arms, or back.
- Liposuction: Once the incisions are made, Dr. Bendor-Samuel will perform liposuction. We offer both tumescent and ultrasonic liposuction, and your doctor will carefully select the right type for you. Using a slender tube, fat deposits will be dissolved with a combination of motion, ultrasonic waves, vibrations, air bursts, and lasers. A vacuum will then gently aspirate the fat deposits for collection.
- Preparation of the Fat Deposits: With the use of a centrifuge, the fat cells will be isolated and purified. Unhealthy tissue will be discarded, and healthy tissue will be placed in syringes for injection.
- Injections: The fat cells will be injected into the buttocks at varying depths. Numerous small injections will be given in several locations for an incredibly natural and subtle look.
- Stitches: The small incision sites used to harvest the fat will be closed with surgical sutures.
Recovery and Healing
After your Brazilian butt lift, you will need to take approximately one week off from work. You should avoid strenuous exercise and wear a compression garment during this initial recovery time. You should also avoid sitting directly on your buttocks. Finally, it is imperative that you attend your follow-up appointments with Dr. Bendor-Samuel so that he can ensure you are recovering as you should.
In most cases, you can return to work and your regular routine between two and three weeks after your surgery. However, you should continue to avoid strenuous activity until you receive approval. Following a butt lift, you will experience some swelling, and it will take several months for this inflammation to completely subside. Nevertheless, within two to six months, you should enjoy the final, stunning results of your treatment.
Temporary Side Effects following Butt Lift Surgery
Anytime a surgical procedure is performed, side effects are to be expected. Following a Brazilian butt lift, you may experience:
- Numbness: Loss of sensation around the buttocks is a normal byproduct of the procedure. Generally, the numbness will dissipate over the next several months. In rare instances, sensation may not fully return.
- Tenderness: Some degree of discomfort is to be expected for the first few days after your surgery. This can be addressed with prescription medication or over-the-counter pain relievers.
- Swelling: Inflammation may occur as your tissue adjusts to the new fat cells. Swelling should completely subside after six months. If inflammation persists longer than six months, schedule a visit with your surgeon to make sure there are no complications.
- Nausea: Disorientation, grogginess, and nausea are all possible side effects of sedation. For this reason, it is important to have a friend or family member accompany you to and from the office the day of your surgery.
- General Discomfort: Following the procedure, many patients feel run down. Surgery can put strain on your body, and general discomfort is to be expected. Closely following your post-operative instructions and getting sufficient rest will help you enjoy a quick and successful recovery.
- Swollen Veins: If your sedation medications were administered intravenously, the veins may appear swollen or inflamed. Anti-inflammatory medication can help reduce these effects.
- Suture Complications: Most of the time, a Brazilian butt lift requires very few sutures. However, if you notice they become inflamed, contact your surgeon to see if they should be removed.
- Allergic Reactions: Most allergic reactions can be completely avoided by discussing your medical history with your surgeon prior to the procedure. However, if you notice an adverse reaction, contact our office for further instructions.
Benefits of a Brazilian Butt Lift
In addition to enhanced confidence, butt lifts offer a number of benefits. These include:
- Minimally Invasive Procedure: Liposuction requires very tiny incisions. Therefore, your Brazilian butt lift will involve negligible scarring and a faster recovery than other body contouring procedures.
- Low-Risk: A Brazilian butt lift will use your body’s own tissues, rather than artificial fillers or implants. This means there is no risk of allergic reaction, and your body will not reject the material.
- Comprehensive Effects: With a Brazilian butt lift, you can enhance your entire figure. Not only will you enjoy a more shapely rear, but with liposuction, you can also tone and define another part of your body.
Schedule an Appointment Today
Feeling wholly confident in your appearance can impact nearly every area of your life. To find out if a Brazilian butt lift is right for you, contact The Landings Surgical Centre online today or call our office at (866) 928-0023 to schedule your consultation.