The Landings Surgical Centre

Is Labiaplasty Worth the Money? Let's Consider the Benefits and Risks

Sep 7, 2023 @ 01:47 PM — by The Landings Surgical Centre
Tagged with: Labiaplasty

More and more women are getting labiaplasty for vaginal enhancement and rejuvenation. According to numbers cited by the Aesthetic Surgery Journal, more than 18,800 labiaplasties were performed in 2021 in the United States. That may explain why we have patients throughout North America contacting our office in Halifax, Nova Scotia, about female genital cosmetic surgery (FGCS).

But Is Labiaplasty Really Worth the Cost and Potential Risks?

The team at The Landings Surgical Centre will answer this question here.

Reasons Patients Undergo Labiaplasty

That Aesthetic Surgery Journal study we noted above interviewed 15 women about their experiences with the surgery and their motivations for getting it. Some of the points we bring up below are informed by the findings of this research. Though the sample size is small, it speaks to growing body image concerns women face today.

Improve the Aesthetics of the Vaginal Area

Aesthetics is the most common reason patients undergo labiaplasty. The surgery can rejuvenate both the labia majora and labia minora. This can be helpful when it comes to improving the symmetry of the inner lips as well as making the inner lips appear less prominent or exposed.

These concerns can be particularly important for women after pregnancy/childbirth and major weight loss.

Reduction in Pain and Discomfort

Labiaplasty isn’t only performed for cosmetic reasons. Some women experience pain or irritation because of the excess tissue of their vaginal lips. This may be pronounced when wearing certain clothes, exercising, sitting in certain positions, or engaging in sexual activity.

By reshaping the vaginal lips, a labiaplasty can improve comfort and quality of life.

A Boost in Self-Esteem and Self-Image

The Aesthetic Surgery Journal article noted some interviewees who felt self-conscious about the way their vaginal lips looked. This applied to how they perceived their own bodies and even the ways their partners perceived them.

A labiaplasty can boost your self-confidence and body image. It’s important to weigh your own comfort with your appearance when considering the cost of getting labiaplasty.

The Potential Risks of Labiaplasty

Since labiaplasty is a surgical procedure, there are some risks associated with it. This includes:

During your consultation at our Halifax office, we can review these and other risk factors in greater detail. We can also discuss genetic predispositions toward scarring and whether this can lead to problems following your surgical recovery.

Make Sure to Discuss the Procedure With Your Doctor or Gynecologist

Regardless if the procedure is purely cosmetic or medically recommended, it’s important to discuss it with your physician and your gynecologist. Your doctor may be able to shed more light on the surgery and how it could benefit you. Your doctor may also dissuade you from surgery based on any existing medical conditions or needs.

Always consider your general practitioner’s insight before making a final decision about any surgical procedure.

Contact The Landings Surgical Centre

It’s important to weigh your options when deciding if labiaplasty is right for you. To discuss the procedure and your candidacy for it with our team, contact our plastic surgery centre in Halifax, Nova Scotia. During your visit, we can go over the risks and benefits in more detail and also give you a breakdown of the price of treatment.