The Landings Surgical Centre

Will I Have Visible Scars Around My Nose from Rhinoplasty?

Jul 6, 2023 @ 12:54 PM — by The Landings Surgical Centre
Tagged with: Rhinoplasty

One of the most effective ways to enhance your facial features is to get a rhinoplasty to reshape the nose. The balance of your facial features can be altered in numerous ways just by having the nasal bridge, nasal tip, or nostrils altered.

Many patients have contacted our office in Halifax, Nova Scotia, interested in rhinoplasty but concerned about potential scarring. The team here at The Landings Surgical Centre would like to go over some of the basics when it comes to rhinoplasty incision sites and post-surgical scarring. This should give you a good idea of what to expect.

Rhinoplasty Scars Are Usually Very Hard to Detect

First things first, any scars from rhinoplasty will usually be difficult to notice. A great deal of care is taken during the procedure, particularly when it’s performed by a skilled plastic surgeon.

Two Ways to Perform a Rhinoplasty

Our Halifax cosmetic surgeons can perform rhinoplasty in two different ways: open surgery and closed surgery. Let’s talk about each procedure and where the incisions are located.

Open Rhinoplasty

During an open rhinoplasty, an incision is made across or along the columella. The columella is the strip of skin between your two nostrils. Once the incision is made, the plastic surgeon can then adjust the underlying structures of the nose.

Open rhinoplasty can lead to some minor scarring if a patient does not heal properly from surgery. A surgeon may perform an open rhinoplasty if dramatic changes need to be made to the underlying structures of the nose in order to achieve the patient’s goals.

Closed Rhinoplasty

During a closed rhinoplasty, a plastic surgeon makes all incisions inside of the nostrils. There is no need for a columella incision at all.

A closed rhinoplasty does not result in any visible scarring on the external skin of the nose. That said, a plastic surgeon will usually perform a closed rhinoplasty if a patient does not require a major revision of the structures of the nose.

Scarring Also Has a Genetic Component Worth Noting

Some patients may have worse issues with scarring than other patients. This is a matter of family history, which is why it’s important to bring this up during the consultation process. If you are genetically more likely to have keloid scars or hypertrophic scars, we can adjust the procedure to your needs and plan accordingly.

How to Limit the Appearance of Minor Scarring

When it comes to preventing visible scars from any surgery, here are three bits of advice that can help:

Interested in Rhinoplasty? Contact Us to Learn More

To learn more about rhinoplasty and if it’s the right surgery for you and your needs, be sure to contact our plastic surgery office in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The entire team at The Landings Surgical Centre can answer your questions and help determine the right procedure for you.