The Landings Surgical Centre

Plastic Surgery for a Summer Ready Body

Jun 26, 2017 @ 09:00 AM — by The Landings Surgical Centre
Tagged with: Body Contouring Plastic Surgery

A summer body can be difficult to achieve when patients have loose skin and stubborn areas of fat that won't go away despite dieting and regular exercise. At the Landings Surgical Centre, we offer body contouring to eliminate fat from troublesome areas for a streamlined, beach-body appearance. Body contouring may also be combined with other procedures to help our patients get their bodies summer ready. Let's take a closer look at some of the most popular plastic surgery treatments for summer from Halifax, NS surgeons Richard Bendor-Samuel and Louis Boileau.


Abdominoplasty, also called a tummy tuck, helps eliminate loose, hanging skin and excess fat from the abdomen, creating a flatter stomach. Tummy tuck surgery may also be used to remove stretch marks from the abdomen and tighten the stomach muscles, helping those who have undergone dramatic weight loss, pregnancy, and other abdominal issues enjoy a firmer, more toned abdomen.


Liposuction is an effective procedure for removing stubborn fatty deposits from such areas of the body as the arms, thighs, and abdomen. Liposuction may be performed alone or combined with other procedures for enhanced contouring results.

Arm Lift

The upper arms are a common trouble spot, especially during summer when sleeveless tops and swimsuits are so popular. Those who are unhappy with the appearance of flabby, loose skin hanging from the upper arms may benefit from arm lift surgery. With arm lift surgery, excess skin is removed from the upper arms, creating beautifully slender results. 

Thigh Lift

Like the upper arms, the thighs are a common area of the body that patients wish to improve. When dramatic weight loss or aging have caused the thighs to sag, thigh lift surgery can help tighten the skin and enhance the appearance of the legs.

Butt Lift

A butt lift can help those who are unhappy with loose skin drooping from their buttocks achieve a firmer, more shapely bottom. Butt lift surgery is particularly beneficial for those who have lost significant weight and wish to eliminate excess skin from their rears. 

Brazilian Butt Lift

Those who wish to enhance the roundness of their bottoms may benefit from a Brazilian butt lift. During a Brazilian butt lift, fat is removed from problem areas, like the abdomen or inner thighs, and transferred into the buttocks. This helps to slim trouble spots while enhancing the bottom for an overall improved appearance.

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation can increase the size, fullness, and roundness of the breasts, helping those who are unhappy with the size and appearance of their breasts feel comfortable in their skin.

Breast Lift

Pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight loss, and aging can all cause the breasts to look deflated and saggy. Breast lift surgery can help restore firmness and lift to the breasts for a perkier, rejuvenated appearance. Breast lift surgery may be combined with breast augmentation for a more dramatic transformation.

Which Treatments Are Right for You?

For more information about plastic surgery for the summer, or to find out which treatments are right for you, contact the Landings Surgical Centre today.